Join us as we unveil the remarkable journey of a smaller OnlyFans account, recently acquired in February, that started with virtually no social media reach. This case study dives into the challenges and successes of building an account from the ground up, harnessing a mainstream branding approach and the power of TikTok.


Building up





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Building from Scratch

This account is a testament to our ability to start from scratch. When we acquired it in February, the creator had minimal social media reach, with nascent Instagram and TikTok accounts. Any pre-February traffic was largely a stroke of luck, with fans discovering her through platforms like U-Bite and Fans Metrics. Our challenge was to create an identity and following from the ground up.

Limited Reach, Mainstream Branding

The creator's social media presence was practically non-existent before our intervention. To overcome this, we embraced a mainstream branding approach, capitalizing on her natural beauty and captivating eyes. With a strong focus on TikTok, we aimed to establish her as a recognizable figure.

Strategic Branding and Tailored Recommendations

In February, we took over the account and immediately witnessed an uptick in messaging activity. While subscription revenue was modest, we began generating significant income through messaging and tips, even in the early stages.

March Momentum

March marked a turning point as subscription revenue surged, driven by a growing fan base attracted through TikTok. Our tailored TikTok strategy aligned with her mainstream branding and the persona of a corporate girl, resulting in substantial messaging and tip income, surpassing $10k

April's Promise

As of April 11th, we've already generated over 4,600 in revenue, signaling a promising trajectory. TikTok continues to work its magic, and we anticipate the account's potential to reach between 50,000 and 80,000 in the coming months.

Resilience and Growth

This case study underscores our ability to overcome the challenge of limited reach and establish a thriving OnlyFans account. With strategic branding and a tailored TikTok approach, we've transformed this account into a promising income generator.

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